Sunday 8 December 2019

2019 Porsche 718 Cayman/Boxster Spied Testing Flat-Sixes, Touring Pack Rumored

2019 Porsche 718 Cayman/Boxster Spied Testing Flat-Sixes, Touring Pack Rumored

Remember when Porsche's mid-engined sportscars used to pack six-cylinder engines by default? Well, the 718 generation saw those units being replaced by turbocharged four-cylinder boxers. While the GT car aura of the upcoming 718 Cayman GT4 and the eccentric roof of the Boxster Spyder mean these are uber-niche models, the other versions we're talking about will be destiner for a slightly larger audience. We've talked about these naturally aspirated toys before and we are now back on the topic and that's because a pair of prototypes has recently hit the Nurburgring. The only naturally aspirated six-pot 718 model you can buy today is the Cayman GT4 Clubsport, a racecar animated by an updated version of its predecessor's 3.8-liter boxer. So it remains to be seen what kind of flat-six occupies the middle section of the prototypes we have here. Zooming in on the body details of these testers, we notice the front end shared with the GTS (this is also available on the standard models as a Sport Design apron). As for the rear bumper, this seems to stand in between the aggressive unit of the GT4 and that of the GTS.

I've narrowly escaped being in the path of a hurricane before and I am so glad I didn't have to sit and listen alas the fury blew around our home. My children were just toddlers and we lived in The Piney Woods. Pine trees everywhere. There was only one other home on our street. Our home was not damaged much, but many had quite a bit of damage and we could tell our home had been rocked off of the peer and beams it was on. The seals under the floor were broken. Our country was under mandatory evacuation, but they didn't tell anyone. By the time we found out buses were loading, it was too late. I had to call my dad to come get us. He was six hours away, so we didn't know if contraflow traffic would prevent him from getting to us. He was able to, though, and we left as the winds were starting to pick up. I really can't imagine what it would have been like to experience that with toddlers. I feel so bad for those who lost everything.

You are right, we are lucky because we can usually find a way to stay safe. Others are not so fortunate. In the end, life is what matters. Again, really glad you and your children are safe. But it does sound like you have a bit of adventure and curiosity in common with me. I am fascinated by the power of nature. It is truly awe-inspiring. It's terrifying yet somehow attractive. Also- what an excellent list of preparations before a natural disaster. I'm not in a hurricane path but there are tornados aplenty. Some of the same dangers or effects on human life and property are left in that path, too. OH, Gina. First, I'm so glad you are OK and the damage to your property 'could have been worse'. SO very glad. But my heart breaks for all those whose lives were taken or devastated. So very much heart-rending, serious, terrible damage everywhere in the storm's path.

Poor Haiti. Another awful strike on that country and people. I've prayed and prayed over this. My great-granddaughter lives on the west side of the state but there was fear even there. Other relatives and good friends are located in the more vulnerable places in the direct path, but so far, I have not heard any bad news. Your hub deserves a Pulitzer. You've covered the effects and even the history of Matthew better than most news sources! I will be reading it again. And thanks for pointing out the beauty that exists. Just wanted to tell you how relieved I am that you and yours are OK. Thanks for visiting and commenting, Jodah. Yes, we were truly blessed that things were not worse. However, we must keep our neighbors in prayer as they recover from the devastation. Haiti has really suffered the last few years. What an amazing hub, Gina. Thank you for sharing all the information, photos etc. I am thankful you and your family came through virtually unscathed, but others sadly not so lucky especially in Haiti. It would have been a terrifying experience.